
Natural Pigments Festival

Exchange of Artworks via International Mail
Participate by sending us your artwork letter (via standard international mail) painted with natural pigments made from stone from your country including a short comment on the materials and methods used. Translate your comments into English using any translation tools (eg: Google Translate) and leave the rest up to us. Your artwork will be exhibited at the Natural Pigments Festival. I'll also post it on Instagram.In return, we will send you an artwork painted with natural pigment made from lava of Mount Fuji.
Click the button above for our mailing address.


機械翻訳のテキストにある思い・方法で、あなたの国の小石で作られた天然顔料で制作された作品レター(定形国際郵便)を是非、お送りください。作品は、Natural PigmentsFestivalに出品します。
私たちは、毎年1度「富士溶岩の顔料」での作品カード(サンプル)を返送します。詳細はNatural PigmentsFestivalのボタン▶



Translated Comments

Our member, Kouan Hashimoto will compile these artworks along with the short translated comments into slides. The translated comments will initially be proofread by his overseas associates.*These are the languages currently available for proofreading; Japanese, English, German, Portuguese, Chinese and Malay. We are looking to include more languages in the future.Kindly email us the original text in your language in pdf format. We would like to include it in our website as well. Thank you.

